For health


This physiotherapy device, consisting of a blue incandescent bulb and a focusing lampshade, has been successfully used as an effective alternative to drugs.

Not for medical use





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The action is based on dry heating of human tissues and organs. The reflector helps improve blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, increases vascular permeability, relieves inflammation and promotes rapid wound healing.

The device is recommended for use in inflammatory processes, skin diseases, bruises, sprains, sciatica, arthritis, otitis media, etc. With its help, you can warm up any parts of the body that need dry heat: ears, nose, back. When used as a course, the reflector reduces pain sensitivity and increases tactile sensations.

The color of the light bulb is due to the fact that the blue light does not dazzle the eyes, penetrating through closed eyelids during warming up of the bridge of the nose, and does not leave burns on the skin.

It is no longer possible to establish the authorship of the invention, but it is known that this simple device was first used for physiotherapy by a military doctor A.V. Minin in 1891, and it quickly won the trust of many doctors. Over time, they forgot about the device, but now, when the treatment of many diseases is accompanied by the intake of a huge amount of antibiotics and other potent drugs that negatively affect the work of internal organs, they remembered its positive properties again. After all, a reflector can significantly reduce the amount of drugs consumed during an illness, and in some diseases, even do without them. For example, warming up your nose with a blue lamp will help you completely stop using nasal drops.


  • Direct the light flux from the device perpendicular to the irradiated surface.
  • It must be kept at a distance of 20-50 cm from the skin.
  • The duration of the session should not exceed 20-25 minutes.
  • No more than three sessions per day are allowed.
  • The course includes 20 procedures.
  • A second course is possible no earlier than a month later.


  • Acute inflammatory and purulent diseases
  • Insufficiency of cerebral circulation
  • Vegetative dysfunctions
  • Sympathetic
  • Oncological diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • Optimal focusing of the light beam
  • Slight heating of the plafond
  • Rounded edges of the plafond
  • Plastic handle
  • Infrared (IR) radiation source — Incandescent lamp with tungsten filament А55 С 230-60
  • Overall dimensions (LxWxH) 330x200x90 mm
  • Weight is no more than 0.4 kg
  • Warranty period: 1 year
  • Produced in: Russia
telephone +7 (495) 505-49-35 Order a call back
geoposition 603081 Nizhny Novgorod,
Bratiev Ignatovih str., 1/1, 21
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